IntelliJ IDEA Short Cuts
sout =>system.out.println
get+Space => to generate getters
cmd+o =>search files
presentation assistant plugin
Shift+ctlr +F =>find file content
Ctrl+F12 => File Structure
Call Hierarchy => Ctrl+Alt+H
Find usage: Alt+f7
Open windows: each window have one number ex: project explorer has one number then command => Alt + 1
Shift+f12 =>reset layout
without Using Mouse:
Alt + 1 => project window
up arrow and down arrow => for navigating files
left arrow and right arrow => expanding folders
enter specific file => to open file
Esc => for switching cursor to open file
Ctrl + y => delete line
AceJump plugin => use to move specific line in a file
Ctrl + ; and UpArrow => to activate and enter specific letter to move cursor to specific line
Esc => exit from AceJump
Alt + Insert => for creating new package or class etc...
Alt + Insert => setters and getters when cursor in file
Ctrl + Alt + - => expand/collapse function in file
Shift + Alt + - => expand/collapse all function in file
sout => system.out.println()
Alt + Ctrl + v => extract content to a variable
Alt + Ctrl + n => opposite to above
Ctrl + w => to select text
Alt + Ctrl + M => Extract to Method
Alt + Ctrl + p => extract data to a variable
Ctrl + D => duplicate line
Ctrl + Backspace => delete word start
Ctrl + shift + t => create tests
Ctrl + F8 => toggle break point
Step over / into F8 / F7
Smart step into/Step out Shift + F7 / Shift + F8
Run to cursor Alt + F9
Evaluate expression Alt + F8
Resume program F9
Annotate => see the person comitted to that file
Ctrl + K => commit window opens
Alt + ` => for GIT operations
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