Use Full Git Details | ||
Installing Git | Linux: Apt-get install git-core | |
Windows: | ||
Git –version | ||
Configuring Git | system level configuration | git config --global "phani git" it config --global "" git config --global –list git config --global core.editor vim git config --global help.autocorrect 1 git config --global color.ui auto git config --global color.ui auto cat ~/.gitconfig git config --global --unset core.editor |
git config –sytem | ||
stored in /etc/gitconfig or c:\programFiles\Git\etc\gitconfig | ||
User-level configuration | ||
git config –global | ||
Stored in ~/.gitconfig or c:\Users\name\.gitconfig | ||
Repository-level configuration | ||
git config –global | ||
stored in .git/config in each repo | ||
Creating a local repository Adding files Comimting changes Viewing history Viewing a diff Working copy, staging, and repository Deleting files Cleaning the working copy Ignoring files with .gitignore |
Initiate link to git git init Initialized empty Git repository in /home/phani/code-git/.git/ echo "Hello, Git" > README.txt git status Untracked files: README.txt Add new file to git repo git add README.txt git status Changes to be committed : README.txt Changes to be committed git commit Added README.txt git log nano README.txt Modify the file in second time git status Changes not staged for commit ; README.txt Update file in git repo git add -u git status Changes to be committed: README.txt git log git commit -m "updated README.txt" git log Changes between 2 commits git diff a5b807..9a3dd7 (or) Git diff HEAD~1..HEAD [HEAD= latest version, HEAD~1 = latest -1 version] (or) Git diff HEAD~1.. Add new files to stating git add file1.txt file2.txt (or) Git add -A Git commit -m “adding new 2 files” [-m = comments] Remove file rm file2.txt git status Changes not staged for commit: git add -u git status git add file3.txt Mv file1.txt new_file_name.txt git add -A (-A=add all) git commit -m "Reorganized" [commit for stating] Revert our local changes to latest version in git git checkout README.txt HARD, SOFT RESET git reset –hard git reset --soft HEAD~1 Cleaning the working copy git clean -f Ignoring files with .gitignore |
creating a local repository Adding, updating , and deleting files Commiting changes Viewing history and diffs Working copy, staging, and repository Cleaning the working copy Ignoring files with .gitignore |
Cloning a remote repository Listing remote repositories Feching changes from a remote Merging changes Pulling from a remote Pushing changes remotely Working with tags |
git clone git log –onelineoption [comments for all commits will display] git log --oneline |wc -l git log --oneline –graph git shortlog git shortlog -sne git show HEAD [Last commit made] git log --oneline git show 2b5f5d5 git remote git remove -v Git protocols http(s) 80/443 – read-write pwd for auth firewall friendly Git 9418 –read-only anonymous only Ssh 22 – read-write SSH key for auth File n/a – read write local only git branch git branch -r git tag git remote add origin Git fetch git fetch original git log original/master git merge origin/master git branch -r git fetch; git merge original/master (or) get pull git push Tags are 3types git tag v1.0 git tag -a v1.0_with_message git tag -s v1.0_signed git push –tags |
Cloning a remote repository Fetching and pulling from a remote repository Pushing changes Working with tags |
Working with local branches Stashing changes Merging branches Rebasing commits Cherry-picking commits Working with remote branches |
git log --graph –oneline git log --graph --oneline --all –decorate git config --global alias.lga "log --graph --oneline --all –decorate" git lga cat ~/.gitconfig Git branch feature1 git checkout feature1 echo "Feature1" >> README.txt git commit -am "added feature1" git lga Note: branches follow commits as you add aditional commits to that branch Tags: stay on same commit (friendly name for perticular commit) Git checkout master git branch fix1 561e0ef git checkout fix1 echo "Fixing bug #1234" >> README.txt git commit -am "fix bug 1234" git branch -m fix1 bug1234 (rename the branch) git branch -D bug1234 (delete the branch) Bring back deleted branch (only available 30 days) git reflog git branch bug1234 8335b38 git checkout bug1234 Git stash Git stash pop GIT MERGE BRANCH git merge bug1234 git mergetoo |
Local and remote branches Stashing changes Merging, rebashing, and cherry-picking |
Sunday, 15 April 2018
Use Full Git Details
Sunday, 8 April 2018
Basic Unix Commands Developer Should Know
1. Java Installation and setting Java Environment variables.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-installer
sudo apt install oracle-java8-set-default
sudo -H gedit /etc/environment
add below lines:
2. Maven Installation
cd /home/phani/Softwares/
sudo tar -xvzf apache-maven-3.3.9-bin.tar.gz
sudo mv apache-maven-3.3.9 maven =>rename
cd /etc/profile.d/
sudo gedit
export MAVEN_HOME=/home/phani/Softwares/maven
export M2_HOME=/home/phani/Softwares/maven
export PATH=$PATH:$M2_HOME/bin
$ cat filename
$ cat > file1.txt => creat file and append text and Ctrl+d
$ cat sample1.txt sample2.txt > sample3.txt => concatenate these two files and can save to another file named sample3.txt
$ cat -n file1.txt =>line number
$ cat file2.txt> file1.txt => To copy the content of one file to another file, you can use the greater than ‘>’ symbol with the cat command.
$ cat sample1.txt >> sample2.txt =>To append the contents of one file to another, you can use the double greater than ‘>>’ symbol with the cat command.
$gedit filename =>opens in text pad
cp /tmp/mozilla_phani0/eclipse-jee-helios-SR1-linux-gtk-x86_64.tar.gz .
tar xvf file.tar
x = eXtract, this indicated an extraction
v= verbose (optional) the files with relative locations will be displayed.
f = from/to file ... (what is next after the f is the archive file)
Remove files/folders
rm -rf /path/to/directory/*
-f - stands for "force" which is helpful when you don't want to be asked/prompted if you want to remove an archive, for example.
-r - stands for "recursive" which means that you want to go recursively down every folder and remove everything.
Duplicate copy folder
cp eclipse eclipse_bk
Creating Link (shortcut desktop)
ln -s source_file destination_path
Open Shell: xterm
echo $BASH
command,argument , options
ls -a list all files incuding hiden
ls -l list files in long format
ls -l-a combine both a and l options
ls -la combine both a and l options
ls -la /bin list all in /bin in long format
Order of options does not matter
The file name has to be at the end
Getting Help
Manual Pages => command: man
man ls
man cd
man man
Using the manual pages
use space to move down a page
move back a page with 'b'
search with '/'
exit with 'q'
d -directory
ctrl+p previous
ctrl+n next
File Management
less FileName
reset =>used for reset the terminal
file fileName =>used to get the file information
file * => getting all files and folder information
mv =>move
rm -r images =>remove folder and its content recrusively
touch =>creating empty file
best for small files -no paging
may mess up your terminal
use reset to fix terminal
pager with lots of features
see 'man less'
use space to move down a page
move back a page with b
search with '/'
exit with 'q'
Call the correct program directly
firefox index.html
opera index.html
you have to know what is installed on your system
File names
filenames can contain just about anything
except /
hidden files start with a dot
Case sensitivity
Extensions(.exe,.zip) are optional
file =>command show types
Absolute paths
start with /
relative to the root
Relative paths
don't start with a/
resolved relative to current working direcctory
ls -R
cp source target
cp a dir/b
cp a b c dir
cp dir/a .
cp * dir
Copying directories
Use cp with the -R switch
Copies everything in the directory recursively
cp -R source_dir target_dir
cp -R dir1 dir2 dir3 target_dir
cp -R dir1 file1 dir2 file2 target_dir
ls -R folder =>show the nested files in the foler
moving files
mv a b =>rename
mv a dir/b
use it to move directories as well
mv a b c dir
mv * dir
Deleting Files
rm =>delete files perminently
rm a
rm a b c
rm dir/a dir/b
rm *
will remove empty directories only
rm -r
will recursively remove all the directories in the folder
safety first: the -i switch
prompt before overwriting or deleting files
use the -i switch
cp -i and mv -i =>will ask you before overwriting files
rm -i will ask before deletion
Combine it with other options
cp -Ri
rm -ri
ls a*
ls *at*
ls -d m*n =>only directory
? => 1 character match
Matches one of the characters in the list
Above would match a,c,d,7 or _
[^ax2] matches anything but a,x,2
rm important_document-v[2-4].doc
rm important_document-v1[^789].docs
rm important_document-v?.docs
Brace Expansion
Generate Strings
Does not have to match existing filenames
Syntax: pre{list,of,strings}post
touch {a,b,c}.txt => touch a.txt b.txt c.txt
mv file.{txt,jpg} dir/
touch {a..c}{1..3}.txt =>touch a1.txt a2.txt...c3.txt
touch file{ab,b,c}{1,2,3}.{jpg,txt,zip}
Brace expansion comes before wildcard expression
mv *{txt,jpg} Documents => mv *txt *jpg Documents
mv filea?.{jpg,txt}a => mv filea?.jpg filea?.txt a
Output Redirection
Redirecting standard output stream
saves the output of a command to a file
ls > listing.txt
cat> story.txt =>ctrl+D to save
This will overwrite existing files
Appends the output to the end of a file
echo "buy milk" >> shopping.txt =>append by mil to shopping.txt end of the file
cmd1 | cmd2 => output of cmd1 pass to input to cmd2
grep 1978 oscars.tsv
grep 1978 oscars.tsv | sort
grep 1978 oscars.tsv | sort > 1978_films.txt
cut -f 3 oscars.tsv => cut is used to sect specific column
cut -f 3 oscars.tsv | grep 4
cut -f 3 oscars.tsv | grep 4 | wc -l => wc-word count -l lines
Command substitution
Replace a command with its output
Ouput will become a part of the command line
Put command between $()
echo "hello,$(whoami)"
echo "Buy milk">"notes$(date).txt"
Note the use of double quotes
Keep command substitution intact
Older form uses backticks
echo "you are currently on 'hostname'"
echo "you are currently on $(hostname)"
Terminal and the Command Line
Bash: text in, text out
Handles key pressed
Draws text
copy/past => select the text click on the middle mouse it will past the selected text
Movement Keys:
ctrl-a start of line
ctrl-e end of the line
ctrl-f forward 1 char ->right arrow
ctrl-b back 1 char ->left arrow
alt-f forward 1 word -> command-Left
alt-b back 1 word ->command right
Ctrl-D delete a char de
ctrl-H deelete a char backword
alt-D delete a word
Ctrl-w deelete a world backword ->Alt Backspace
ctrl-K delete reset of line
Ctrl-U delete from start of line
Ctrl-C break => end a running program
Ctrl-D end of transmission cat > x
ctrl-R search back in history
vi (vim)
vi fileName => Press I to insert Esc for command mode=> :wq! to save and exit
:w save
:q to exit
:q! exit without saving
pre-installed on linux
Very full featured
Pre installed on some linux distributors
sort -k2 math_grades => -k is key column name ex: k2 second comumn
sort -nk2 match_grades
sort -rnk2 match_grades =>r reverse, n number sort
sort studentlist | uniq -c
sort studentlist | uniq -c |sort -nr
-r reverse sort
-n sorts numerically
-k sorts by fields
sort -k2
space-seperated fields by default
filter out repeated lines: uniq
Sort attendance | uniq
-c counts lines
Head & Tail:
Show first 10 lines of input by default
-n gives number of lines
head -n 1
Show last 10 lines of input by default
-n gives number of lines
tail -n 1
tail -f follows newly appended data
ls -lS | head => first 10 lines
ls -lS | head -n 1 => first line
ls -lrS | tail -n 2 =>end of the input use tail , S-size of file
ls -lrS | tail -n 2| tail -n 1
tail auth.log =>last couple of entries on a file
tail -f auth.log => f-follow option
wc story.txt =>word count , 1st result no.of lines, no.of words, no.of bites
wc -l story.txt => -l lines
ls | wc -l
ls -a | wc -l
grep hello story.txt
grep steve *grades
grep -i steve *grades => -i ignore case
grep -v lecture math_attendance | sort |uniq => -v rule
grep -Ev "^$" math_attaendance | sort | uniq => -Ev extended regular expression
ls -l | grep -v "^d"
grep searchs for a text in a file
Or multiple files. Ex: grep string*
-i makes search case-insensitive
-c counts occurences
-I shows line number of occurences
-v inverts the search (filter)
Can use regular expressions
find /usr
find /usr -name emacs
find . -name '*.txt'
find . -name '*.txt' -exec grep -l curious {} \; => -l file name having curious
powerful tool for searching files
find dir - lists all files in dir
find dir -name f
Lists all files named f in dir
Match Expression: find dir -name '*txt'
for More:
Search and Replace text (tr only reads from standard input)
tr S s physics_grades
cat physics_grades | tr S s
tr S s < physics_grades
Seperating date with semicolon in text file
grep \; oscars.tsv
tr \\t \; < oscars.tsv > oscars.csv
Advanced tools
Stream editor
Transform text
Replace words
Most common use: to replace "old" with "new"
send 's/old/new/g'
complete programming language
very useful for column-oriented files
sed 's/curiouser/stranger/g' demo/alice > alice2
awk '{ total += s2 } END {print total/NR}' math_grades
Processing data:
sort -nk2 -t\; oscars.cst
sort -nk2 -t\; oscars.cst | head
cut -f 2 -d\; oscars.cst => -d delimeter ,-f field
cut -f 2,3 -d\; oscars.cst => -d delimeter ,-f field
paste *grades
sort physics_grades > phys_sorted
tr S s < physics_grades > physics_grades2
paste math_sorted phy_sorted
join math_sorted phys_sorted
Column-based date
sort -k to sort on a specific column
use -t to specify delimiter
cut to select a column from the input
cut -f 2 shows only second column
-d for delimiter
puts lines of input files next to each other in the output
joins input files based on matching keys
Editing text files => Nano, vi, emacs
Sorting => sort, uniq
Head and tail
Searching and filtering => grep
Replacing text => tr,sd
Finding files => find
Advanced tools => awk,sd,perl,python
Column-based files => cut,paste,join
Input redirection with <
Multiple commands on one line => ;
Jobs and Process
cp /volumes/data-2T/Movie.avi .
cp /volumes/data-2T/Movie.avi .
cp /volumes/data-2T/Movie.avi .
./delayed_ls & => & means run backround
./delayed_ls > output_file &
rm -i oscars.tsv &
rm -i oscar.tsv
Job Controls:
^Z suspend a running job
fg => send job to foreground
bg => send job to background
Background Jobs
Use & at end of line
Cannot read input from the user
If the program tries, bash will suspend it and let you know
Tip: only use wiht programs that don't need user interaction
Output willl mess up your screen
Tip: redirect output to file
find . > all_files &
./delayed_ls &
[1] 23837 => first one is jobid and second is process id
Foreground program: ^C
End any program with kill
Can only end processes you own
Kill by job id:
kill %2
kill %cp
(fg and bg work with job id's as well)
Kill by process id
kill 6543
hard kill with -KILL:
kill -KILL 6543
pkill => match process by part of name
jobs => shows list of jobs
kill %job_id
ps -e => gives all list of running processses
kill process_no
pkill =>dangerious
Inspecting Processes:
Jobs => shows bash jobs for current shell
display processes running under current shell
Displaying all processes
ps -e
Include owner
ps -ef
Process memory and CPU usage:
top => show all top running processsor
press ut then phani
Background jobs => &, ^Z , bg,fg
Inspect processes => jobs,ps,top
End processes => kill, xkill, pkill
Bash Startup Files
.profile => loaded for login shell
.bashrc => loaded for non-login shell
Tip: read .bashrc from .profile => source ~/.bashrc
echo $PATH
PATH = "$PATH:~/bin" => always append at end
export EDITOR="nano" => Export variables that are needed in subprocess
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-installer
sudo apt install oracle-java8-set-default
sudo -H gedit /etc/environment
add below lines:
2. Maven Installation
cd /home/phani/Softwares/
sudo tar -xvzf apache-maven-3.3.9-bin.tar.gz
sudo mv apache-maven-3.3.9 maven =>rename
cd /etc/profile.d/
sudo gedit
export MAVEN_HOME=/home/phani/Softwares/maven
export M2_HOME=/home/phani/Softwares/maven
export PATH=$PATH:$M2_HOME/bin
$ cat filename
$ cat > file1.txt => creat file and append text and Ctrl+d
$ cat sample1.txt sample2.txt > sample3.txt => concatenate these two files and can save to another file named sample3.txt
$ cat -n file1.txt =>line number
$ cat file2.txt> file1.txt => To copy the content of one file to another file, you can use the greater than ‘>’ symbol with the cat command.
$ cat sample1.txt >> sample2.txt =>To append the contents of one file to another, you can use the double greater than ‘>>’ symbol with the cat command.
$gedit filename =>opens in text pad
cp /tmp/mozilla_phani0/eclipse-jee-helios-SR1-linux-gtk-x86_64.tar.gz .
tar xvf file.tar
x = eXtract, this indicated an extraction
v= verbose (optional) the files with relative locations will be displayed.
f = from/to file ... (what is next after the f is the archive file)
Remove files/folders
rm -rf /path/to/directory/*
-f - stands for "force" which is helpful when you don't want to be asked/prompted if you want to remove an archive, for example.
-r - stands for "recursive" which means that you want to go recursively down every folder and remove everything.
Duplicate copy folder
cp eclipse eclipse_bk
Creating Link (shortcut desktop)
ln -s source_file destination_path
Open Shell: xterm
echo $BASH
command,argument , options
ls -a list all files incuding hiden
ls -l list files in long format
ls -l-a combine both a and l options
ls -la combine both a and l options
ls -la /bin list all in /bin in long format
Order of options does not matter
The file name has to be at the end
Getting Help
Manual Pages => command: man
man ls
man cd
man man
Using the manual pages
use space to move down a page
move back a page with 'b'
search with '/'
exit with 'q'
d -directory
ctrl+p previous
ctrl+n next
File Management
less FileName
reset =>used for reset the terminal
file fileName =>used to get the file information
file * => getting all files and folder information
mv =>move
rm -r images =>remove folder and its content recrusively
touch =>creating empty file
best for small files -no paging
may mess up your terminal
use reset to fix terminal
pager with lots of features
see 'man less'
use space to move down a page
move back a page with b
search with '/'
exit with 'q'
Call the correct program directly
firefox index.html
opera index.html
you have to know what is installed on your system
File names
filenames can contain just about anything
except /
hidden files start with a dot
Case sensitivity
Extensions(.exe,.zip) are optional
file =>command show types
Absolute paths
start with /
relative to the root
Relative paths
don't start with a/
resolved relative to current working direcctory
ls -R
cp source target
cp a dir/b
cp a b c dir
cp dir/a .
cp * dir
Copying directories
Use cp with the -R switch
Copies everything in the directory recursively
cp -R source_dir target_dir
cp -R dir1 dir2 dir3 target_dir
cp -R dir1 file1 dir2 file2 target_dir
ls -R folder =>show the nested files in the foler
moving files
mv a b =>rename
mv a dir/b
use it to move directories as well
mv a b c dir
mv * dir
Deleting Files
rm =>delete files perminently
rm a
rm a b c
rm dir/a dir/b
rm *
will remove empty directories only
rm -r
will recursively remove all the directories in the folder
safety first: the -i switch
prompt before overwriting or deleting files
use the -i switch
cp -i and mv -i =>will ask you before overwriting files
rm -i will ask before deletion
Combine it with other options
cp -Ri
rm -ri
ls a*
ls *at*
ls -d m*n =>only directory
? => 1 character match
Matches one of the characters in the list
Above would match a,c,d,7 or _
[^ax2] matches anything but a,x,2
rm important_document-v[2-4].doc
rm important_document-v1[^789].docs
rm important_document-v?.docs
Brace Expansion
Generate Strings
Does not have to match existing filenames
Syntax: pre{list,of,strings}post
touch {a,b,c}.txt => touch a.txt b.txt c.txt
mv file.{txt,jpg} dir/
touch {a..c}{1..3}.txt =>touch a1.txt a2.txt...c3.txt
touch file{ab,b,c}{1,2,3}.{jpg,txt,zip}
Brace expansion comes before wildcard expression
mv *{txt,jpg} Documents => mv *txt *jpg Documents
mv filea?.{jpg,txt}a => mv filea?.jpg filea?.txt a
Output Redirection
Redirecting standard output stream
saves the output of a command to a file
ls > listing.txt
cat> story.txt =>ctrl+D to save
This will overwrite existing files
Appends the output to the end of a file
echo "buy milk" >> shopping.txt =>append by mil to shopping.txt end of the file
cmd1 | cmd2 => output of cmd1 pass to input to cmd2
grep 1978 oscars.tsv
grep 1978 oscars.tsv | sort
grep 1978 oscars.tsv | sort > 1978_films.txt
cut -f 3 oscars.tsv => cut is used to sect specific column
cut -f 3 oscars.tsv | grep 4
cut -f 3 oscars.tsv | grep 4 | wc -l => wc-word count -l lines
Command substitution
Replace a command with its output
Ouput will become a part of the command line
Put command between $()
echo "hello,$(whoami)"
echo "Buy milk">"notes$(date).txt"
Note the use of double quotes
Keep command substitution intact
Older form uses backticks
echo "you are currently on 'hostname'"
echo "you are currently on $(hostname)"
Terminal and the Command Line
Bash: text in, text out
Handles key pressed
Draws text
copy/past => select the text click on the middle mouse it will past the selected text
Movement Keys:
ctrl-a start of line
ctrl-e end of the line
ctrl-f forward 1 char ->right arrow
ctrl-b back 1 char ->left arrow
alt-f forward 1 word -> command-Left
alt-b back 1 word ->command right
Ctrl-D delete a char de
ctrl-H deelete a char backword
alt-D delete a word
Ctrl-w deelete a world backword ->Alt Backspace
ctrl-K delete reset of line
Ctrl-U delete from start of line
Ctrl-C break => end a running program
Ctrl-D end of transmission cat > x
ctrl-R search back in history
vi (vim)
vi fileName => Press I to insert Esc for command mode=> :wq! to save and exit
:w save
:q to exit
:q! exit without saving
pre-installed on linux
Very full featured
Pre installed on some linux distributors
sort -k2 math_grades => -k is key column name ex: k2 second comumn
sort -nk2 match_grades
sort -rnk2 match_grades =>r reverse, n number sort
sort studentlist | uniq -c
sort studentlist | uniq -c |sort -nr
-r reverse sort
-n sorts numerically
-k sorts by fields
sort -k2
space-seperated fields by default
filter out repeated lines: uniq
Sort attendance | uniq
-c counts lines
Head & Tail:
Show first 10 lines of input by default
-n gives number of lines
head -n 1
Show last 10 lines of input by default
-n gives number of lines
tail -n 1
tail -f follows newly appended data
ls -lS | head => first 10 lines
ls -lS | head -n 1 => first line
ls -lrS | tail -n 2 =>end of the input use tail , S-size of file
ls -lrS | tail -n 2| tail -n 1
tail auth.log =>last couple of entries on a file
tail -f auth.log => f-follow option
wc story.txt =>word count , 1st result no.of lines, no.of words, no.of bites
wc -l story.txt => -l lines
ls | wc -l
ls -a | wc -l
grep hello story.txt
grep steve *grades
grep -i steve *grades => -i ignore case
grep -v lecture math_attendance | sort |uniq => -v rule
grep -Ev "^$" math_attaendance | sort | uniq => -Ev extended regular expression
ls -l | grep -v "^d"
grep searchs for a text in a file
Or multiple files. Ex: grep string*
-i makes search case-insensitive
-c counts occurences
-I shows line number of occurences
-v inverts the search (filter)
Can use regular expressions
find /usr
find /usr -name emacs
find . -name '*.txt'
find . -name '*.txt' -exec grep -l curious {} \; => -l file name having curious
powerful tool for searching files
find dir - lists all files in dir
find dir -name f
Lists all files named f in dir
Match Expression: find dir -name '*txt'
for More:
Search and Replace text (tr only reads from standard input)
tr S s physics_grades
cat physics_grades | tr S s
tr S s < physics_grades
Seperating date with semicolon in text file
grep \; oscars.tsv
tr \\t \; < oscars.tsv > oscars.csv
Advanced tools
Stream editor
Transform text
Replace words
Most common use: to replace "old" with "new"
send 's/old/new/g'
complete programming language
very useful for column-oriented files
sed 's/curiouser/stranger/g' demo/alice > alice2
awk '{ total += s2 } END {print total/NR}' math_grades
Processing data:
sort -nk2 -t\; oscars.cst
sort -nk2 -t\; oscars.cst | head
cut -f 2 -d\; oscars.cst => -d delimeter ,-f field
cut -f 2,3 -d\; oscars.cst => -d delimeter ,-f field
paste *grades
sort physics_grades > phys_sorted
tr S s < physics_grades > physics_grades2
paste math_sorted phy_sorted
join math_sorted phys_sorted
Column-based date
sort -k to sort on a specific column
use -t to specify delimiter
cut to select a column from the input
cut -f 2 shows only second column
-d for delimiter
puts lines of input files next to each other in the output
joins input files based on matching keys
Editing text files => Nano, vi, emacs
Sorting => sort, uniq
Head and tail
Searching and filtering => grep
Replacing text => tr,sd
Finding files => find
Advanced tools => awk,sd,perl,python
Column-based files => cut,paste,join
Input redirection with <
Multiple commands on one line => ;
Jobs and Process
cp /volumes/data-2T/Movie.avi .
cp /volumes/data-2T/Movie.avi .
cp /volumes/data-2T/Movie.avi .
./delayed_ls & => & means run backround
./delayed_ls > output_file &
rm -i oscars.tsv &
rm -i oscar.tsv
Job Controls:
^Z suspend a running job
fg => send job to foreground
bg => send job to background
Background Jobs
Use & at end of line
Cannot read input from the user
If the program tries, bash will suspend it and let you know
Tip: only use wiht programs that don't need user interaction
Output willl mess up your screen
Tip: redirect output to file
find . > all_files &
./delayed_ls &
[1] 23837 => first one is jobid and second is process id
Foreground program: ^C
End any program with kill
Can only end processes you own
Kill by job id:
kill %2
kill %cp
(fg and bg work with job id's as well)
Kill by process id
kill 6543
hard kill with -KILL:
kill -KILL 6543
pkill => match process by part of name
jobs => shows list of jobs
kill %job_id
ps -e => gives all list of running processses
kill process_no
pkill =>dangerious
Inspecting Processes:
Jobs => shows bash jobs for current shell
display processes running under current shell
Displaying all processes
ps -e
Include owner
ps -ef
Process memory and CPU usage:
top => show all top running processsor
press ut then phani
Background jobs => &, ^Z , bg,fg
Inspect processes => jobs,ps,top
End processes => kill, xkill, pkill
Bash Startup Files
.profile => loaded for login shell
.bashrc => loaded for non-login shell
Tip: read .bashrc from .profile => source ~/.bashrc
echo $PATH
PATH = "$PATH:~/bin" => always append at end
export EDITOR="nano" => Export variables that are needed in subprocess
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