Monday, 26 March 2012

Focus Problem on Application StartUp

Focus Problem on Application StartUp

add below code  in index.template.html  In body tag.

<body onload="document.getElementById('${application}').focus()">

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Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Use full setting in PL/SQL Developer

Hi friends,

I am using Pl/Sql Developer IDE to connect different databases and performing different database operations at the same time. Its been proved that Pl/Sql developer is very useful tool for sql and/or plsql statement/query execution.

What I liked in Pl/Sql Developer are

  1. Select some part of the query and execute the selected part in the query. I liked it very much.
  2. Export output result to excel as a table
  3. Code assistant which will display all the tables in that schema when you entered your_schema_name.
  4. Working in different windows like SQL window, Test window, Program window, Command window and Diagram window at the same time
  5. Macros which can do certain action once recorded

What I have learn today is

i) Logon History

Are you able to remember all the username and passwords of different databases?
Fed up of typing username and password everytime when logging?

Use "Fixed Users" option in Logon History Preferences

We can create different menus to differentiate users or type of logons



  • More than one users under the same menu should be in next line
  • Avoid @ usage in password because database delimeter is @ so it will treat first @ onwards as database

Example: ghi/lkj@123@qwe
username: ghi
password: lkj@123
database: qwe

pl/sql developer will treat
username: ghi
password: lkj
database: 123@qwe

Because first @ onwards it will treat as database.
We can have many menus with many logon to connect different databases with very less effort.
Click the Logon Button Arrow and select the menu->username/password@database
It will get connected automatically without typing username and password

Very Useful .. Try it

ii) Auto Replace facility

Open Pl/Sql Developer->Click on Tools->Preferences->Select Editor Preferences

Scroll down to AutoReplace tab and use the syntax and example to use the facility

syntax: shortcutword=full(part)command

example: saf = select * from 

When you type saf and space then you can see select * from as a replacement of saf

Monday, 12 March 2012

Create Custom Event Using META Tag


Using events is fun in MXML components is fun and easily you can specify events using Event meta tag inside the component like this:
    [Event(name="myevent", type="com.MyEvent")]
The following lines defines the myevent attribute of the component like this:
<com:FramedImage x="10" y="10"  myevent="handleMyEvent(event)" ... />
FramedImage component is a custom component which displays a framed image.
For this tutorial the following files where used:
  • FramedImage.mxml – our component (extends Canvas)
  • – our custom event (extends Event)
  • FramedImageApp.mxml – main application that uses FramedImage component
FramedImageApp.mxml is loading an image using FramedImage.mxml by specifying an URL. Our component is loading the image from that URL and displays it and when the loading is completed an event is dispatch to let us know that the image is fully loaded. The component can be extended to dispatch even more events like: progress, start loading, etc.
You can go straight to the code section to study each file, but before seeing the code animportant thing you must know in order to succeed and be able to catch the event outside the component.
The string specified in the name attribute of the event meta tag must be the same with the string specified in the new event dispatched and the type specified in the type attribute must match the type of the event object dispatched.
To be even more clear take a look at the next image.
MyEvent.MY_EVENT = “myevent” is defined in class as a public static constant.
Now enjoy the code…
FramedImage.mxml – the component
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Canvas xmlns:mx=""
    horizontalScrollPolicy="off" verticalScrollPolicy="off">
    <mx:Canvas id="frm" 
        width="{this.width}" height="{this.height}"
        backgroundColor="0xFFFFFF" backgroundAlpha="0.4"
        cornerRadius="10" borderStyle="solid">
        <mx:Image id="img" 
            horizontalCenter="0" horizontalAlign="center"
            verticalCenter="0" verticalAlign="middle"
    <!-- we specify "myevent" attribute to be triggered the 
         string in name attribute must match the string 
         specified in "new MyEvent()" and to be more precise
         MyEvent.MY_EVENT should be equal with "myevent" -->
        [Event(name="myevent", type="com.MyEvent")]
        // our loaded image
        private var _imgSrc:String;
        // setter to be able to set the image 
        // from outside the component
        public function set source(s:String):void
            _imgSrc = s;
        // getter
        public function get source():String
            return _imgSrc;
        // event handler triggered by the image object
        // when the image is fully loaded
        public function handleImageComplete(event:Event):void
            // we dispatch our new custom event
            // it is important:
            // 1) that MyEvent.MY_EVENT should
            //    match the string "myevent" specified in
            //    the name attribute of the event meta tag             
            // 2) that the type of the event object dispatched
            //    further must match the one defined in event
            //    meta tag
            dispatchEvent(new MyEvent(MyEvent.MY_EVENT));
</mx:Canvas> – custom event
package com
    // our custom event extends
    public class MyEvent extends Event
        // the string must be the same with the one specified
        // in the Event metatag in name attribute
        public static const MY_EVENT:String = "myevent";
        // constructor
        public function MyEvent(type:String):void
FramedImageApp.mxml – main application
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="" 
    layout="absolute" xmlns:com="com.*" width="270" height="450">
    <com:FramedImage id="frmImg" x="10" y="10" 
        width="250" height="250"
    <mx:Label text="Image to load (URL):" x="10" y="268"/>
    <mx:TextInput id="imgUrl" width="250" x="10" y="284"
    <mx:Label text="Events:" x="10" y="314"/>
    <mx:TextArea id="dbgTxt" width="250" height="110" x="10" y="331"/>
            import com.MyEvent;
            private function handleMyEvent(event:MyEvent):void
                // split the URL
                var tmpArr:Array = new Array();
                tmpArr = imgUrl.text.split("/");
                // add text with filename
                dbgTxt.text += "image " + tmpArr[tmpArr.length-1] + " loaded\n";
Now lets see the component in action (the event will be added to the events text area)…

Thanks for Visiting.................

Thursday, 8 March 2012

Tutorial for  Cairngorm framework

In this below link we can get lot of tutorials for learning Cairngorm Framework.

in that i suggested to learn 

David Tucker :: Getting Started With Cairngorm (1 to 5 parts)